2022 - Erasmus Medal of the Academia Europaea
Professor Philippe Aghion, holder of the Chair of Economics of Institutions, Innovation and Growth at the College of France, has been awarded the Erasmus Medal of the Academia Europaea.
The Erasmus Medal of the Academia Europaea is awarded to a European academic who has maintained, over an extended period, an exceptional level of international research, recognised by his peers. The medal is awarded at the Academy's annual conference, and on this occasion the winner gives the annual Erasmus lesson.
2020 - BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge awards
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economics, Finance and Management has gone in this twelfth edition to Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt for their fundamental contributions to the study of innovation, technical change, and competition policy. The joint research of these two economists builds on Joseph Schumpeter’s idea that productivity growth at the macroeconomic level stems from a process of creative destruction in which the continuous entry of new firms and technologies renders the incumbents obsolete.
2009 - John Von Neumann Award